Sometimes I wonder how serious you are
When you talk about death while you cry,
Sometimes I'm afraid to say how I feel,
Fearing you'll comit suicide,
When did you start feeling this way?
Seems it was when I came around,
I put your heart through all this pain,
all I contribute is frowns,
But if it's gone why does it drag on
Like a song that's three minutes to long?
You could just say good-bye,Have a nice life,
then you'll be right back where you belong,
You'll be back with all of your friends
With a smile back on your face,
You'll walk around town and go to the mall
Looking for new boys to chase,
I won't be mad, I'll be happy for you,
You'll finally realize you're strong,
You'll be able to see your life's not that bad,
And your prior assumptions were wrong,
You're better off without me is what I think,
You were so happy before I came,
I made your life a mess and made you depressed,
So on me you can place the blame,
Look at you then and look at you now,
Tell me which one you like more,
Right off the top of your head
I know you'll choose the one from before,
Do what you can if you want to be
The same person you were,
So get rid of me and then you will see
Your life will get better i'm sure