Story Behind the Song
Another one inspired by the film "Contact."
Seems everytime
I want to speak to you
The link is down
And I can't get through
Day by day
I sit and wait for dawn
The northern lights
Aren't so bright when I'm alone
Why don't you talk?
It seems you'd like to hear
From someone else
Long distance by light years
Across the span
The dark ocean of night
These ears are tuned
We wait for your reply
We live our lives in between
Storms on the Sun
We can only speak in between
Storms on the Sun
Solar flares will blind our ears
To the ones we long to hear
So wait until they clear
Storms on the Sun
Guess I don't control
The place nor the time
The storms will come
With no reason, no rhyme
So I wait all alone
With my coffee and headphones on
My eyes are to the sky
Please don't be long
Hellooo, fellow star gazers! The night is young and we have the next several hours together as we watch the blockbuster feature that is our universe! If you look just above the horizon to the west, you'll see Taurus, the bull of legend chase venus below the trees. And who knows what they'll be up to before morning? To the north you'll see polaris! The one all the others circle around and around, the center of a cosmic dance. Bow to your partner! Bow your corner!
And now, just creeping up from the east, a harvest moon smiles down upon us. Its the proud satellite of our humble blue planet. Its the stuff of songs, the inspiration of poets, the maker of tides and yes, the nightlight of lovers.