Story Behind the Song
We were 15, and we had a dodgy band which was basically dedicated to writing songs that hassled our friends. We were very punk. James was jilted by a girl he'd like gotten with once (which is somehow significant at that age!) and had some pent up anger about it. We were learning spanish and discovered that 'el gourdo' was spanish for 'the fat' and at that time in our lives, it seemed obvious that the situation required a song. It was one morning in english class when I must have been feeling pretty inspired and my vocabulary was broad and full of synonyms for 'fat' and being 15 I had plenty of gross thoughts. I wrote the first verse almost effortlessly, it flowed right out of me as though it was 'meant to be' and this filth spawned the rest of the song, which James wrote later that evening.
I had a riff I'd been working on which fit like a glove and it didn't take long to put it all together. It was only once performed on stage at our school band comp. Most said it was our best song, but the girl it was about, somehow found out, and tried to kil James (justifiably!). But after that it was all ok. Years later the song was forgotten, but a few years ago I stumbled across an old recording which was very punk and very raw, and for a joke I re-recorded the song with all my new gear and experience and made it a pumping guitar extravaganza with multi layered guitars, vocals, bass and sampled drums, and loads of cools effects. And I must admit, as much as I disagree with the sentiment of the song, it sounds pretty good. This song is not about a real person. El Gourdo is fictional, a charachiture [anyone know how to spell that?]. It is not meant to offend anyone, and I have nothing against anyone who is overweight. Please email any comments to me!
PS: Check out this awesome band!
Bubbling Bowls of Slimy Scum,
Oozing around her bulging bum,
Rivers of fat and celluloid,
Secreting through an endless void,
El Gourdo the fat,
El Gourdo the fat,
El Gourdo the fat,
Fancy that!
When she's stuck in a double door,
It makes her hard to ignore,
Obesity beyond belief,
Dribbled food down all her chins,
It's hard to tell where her neck ends,
and where the rest of her body begins,
El Gourdo the fat,
El Gourdo the fat,
El Gourdo the fat,
Fancy that,
She's no supermodel contention,
she gained weight at a diet convention!
Here she comes!
El gourdo is the girl of my dreams,
Making them nightmares and full of screams,
Vivid images of her naked body,
Give me the feeling I slept with the Poddy,
Look at those hips swing from side to side,
They make me drool and feel sick inside,
With her rounded figure and her plump face,
A pile of lard I'd rather embrace!
El Gourdo the fat,
El Gourdo the fat,
El Gourdo the fat,
Fancy that!
When she needed a dress to rent,
They hired her a circus tent!
She's fat!
Ahhh Fat!