Story Behind the Song
Remix of a song I wrote years ago. It was written for a boy I'd taught who hated school - I didn't blame him either because it was a hellhole of a school. No names - you know who you are etc...
Teacher knows best
Words and music by Tom Tolkien (c) 1999
It's just a school but you hate it real good,
You can't sit still like you know you should.
They say you'll head for a life of crime,
but all of this is such a waste of time.
Your mother says you shouldn't get so stressed,
- because the teacher knows best.
You won't behave like your older sister would.
There's no changing when you feel misunderstood.
Another argument - another hill to climb.
Your school's a shopping mall one too many times.
Your tutor sits there and won't be second guessed
- because the teacher knows best.
You think your depressed?
but the teacher knows best.
Think your life is blessed?
but the teacher knows best.
Got it when you guessed?
but the teacher knows best.
Think you're better than the rest?
but the teacher knows best.
You learn a load of shit you know you'll never use,
at times like this you feel you've nothing left to lose.
You meet the principal - there's nothing to discuss,
In revenge you set alight the school bus.
Shakes of the head as the police make your arrest,
- because the teacher knows best.
Your looking back and think was that my childhood?
My preparation for a life that's no good?
No second chances to toe the holy line.
I never learned and there's no rewind of time.
What's the reason that I never progressed?
- I guess the teacher knows best.
You think your depressed?
but the teacher knows best.
Think your life is blessed?
but the teacher knows best.
Got it when you guessed?
but the teacher knows best.
you're better than the rest?
but the teacher knows best.
Teacher knows best,
Teacher knows best,
Teacher knows best,
Teacher knows best,
You think your depressed?
but the teacher knows best.
Think your life is blessed?
but the teacher knows best.
Got it when you guessed?
but the teacher knows best.
you're better than the rest?
but the teacher knows best.
You act like you're distressed,
but the teacher knows best
Trying to protest?
but the teacher knows best.
Report was misaddressed?
but the teacher knows best
Ink pen was possessed?
but the teacher knows best.
You need your beauty rest?
but the teacher knows best.
Fade out
Teacher knows best
Can't be second guessed
Teacher knows best