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    "Chapter 2: Bethany Star"genre: Spoken Word
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    Click on the song title for the words from this story narrative.
    CD: The Music Box   Label: Blue Moon Records
    Credits: Everything produced by Joshua Moore. 2003.

    When the winter did come, Hondo relaxed a lot and took a short break from music to read and take his mind away from the project. After a few weeks though, he felt like getting back to work. He didn't quite know where to start, so one afternoon he took out the music box he kept on a dusty shelf, hoping it would spark something again. Hondo sat down in his wooden rocking chair next to the warm, glowing stove. After winding up the box, he began to listen. It took him to another place in his mind indeed, but this time through dream as he drifted asleep.

    The afternoon had grown to night as Hondo slept. Dreaming of tall, siloetted trees against a moonlit sky, he suddenly saw the most alluring light he had ever seen. It arose from between the siloettes and seemed to be speaking to Hondo with the kindest, soothing voice of a woman. "Come to me! I have something for you", she calmly whispered, like wind through the pines. He couldn't help but to walk to her, this curious energy on the horizon. When Hondo reached the light that drew him like a magnet, he saw such a beatifull sight. It was a woman with long, flowing hair rolling down her body like a river gracing down the soft curves of a mountain. She wore a long, white dress and a shiny headpiece decorated with figures shaped like gleaming stars. Breathtaken, Hondo asked, "who are you?". The woman replied, "I am Bethany Star, a goddess of spiritual enlightenment and I have something to give you Hondo". "How do you know my name?", Hondo asked. "I know all creatures' names", Bethany replied. Surprised and filled with wonder, Hondo excitedly asked, "what do you have to give me?" She answered, "It is the essence of suprise within unexpected, magical moments like this one. The beauty and promise of a new day, a blank canvas awaiting its color. An opportunity to see the world in a way you've never seen it before. My dear friend, it is the gift of midnight".

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