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    "Introduction: The Finding"genre: Spoken Word
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    Click on the song title for the words from this story narrative.
    CD: The Music Box   Label: Blue Moon Records
    Credits: Everything produced by Joshua Moore. 2003.

    The year is 2042 in the freshness of spring. Nessled in the lush, green hills protecting the sacred meadows in Ireland like heavenly gods, lives a simple yet sophisticated, intelligent old man. People of these parts call him Hondo the Hermit. He lives in a secluded, essentric shack burried deep in the forest that magestically stems up from the rolling hills and mountains. Hondo built his paradise with his own worn, bare hands. For three years he has resided there.

    Hondo was born and raised in central America from the 1970's through the mid-90's. He continued to live there until moving to Ireland in the 2040's. Hondo lived a long, healthy and vital life as an artist and musician. A loving family and good friends were a big part of his life, as well as music and art. There were a lot of great times and some hard, trying times. It was all part of Hondo growing into the happy, content man he is today.

    In his older age, Hondo was very much at peace with himself. He wanted to experience living in solitude in another country, where he would reflect his past, contemplate the present, and look to the future. Then he would compose music for what would be his last body of work that future generations would turn into timeless recorded versions.

    After the first couple years of being settled in Ireland, Hondo was out exploring the forest, hoping this land, rich with heritage, would inspire his musical compositions. He came across something poking out from the tall grass. It appeared to be a child's toy of some type. He later observed it was a wind-up music box. There wasn't a date printed on it, but it seemed it had been there for quite awhile. "Where did it come from? How did it get here?" Hondo thought. He was intrigued by this object of mystery and wound it up, sat back against a towering tree and listened. The sound took him on many adventures in his mind as he started daydreaming. This is the story of what Hondo heard, saw in his mind, and what inspired his music during this mindful journey. This is the story of the music box.m

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