Story Behind the Song
Musically: The music for 'Personal Effects' stems from a discussion held by the members of T.O.W. while they were appart for the summer of 2000. Dan had requested the creation of a slower song to off-set the intensity of songs like 'Get Up' and 'Drag Under'. Chris suggested that the song have a lyrical intensity that could be set against a softer background while Allister wanted something groovy enough to make people sit up and take notice. Rob (who had WAY too much time on his hands) undertook the penning of lyrics and arranging of riffs to please all parties involved. The polyphonic intro line was one that could groove (though musically complex) while the chorus had a mysterious bite to it that helped propel the lyric writing process forward. The song was effectivly finished when Allister and Rob jammed on it for the first time. Allister suggested that a solo line based on themes from the vocal melody would help to pull the whole song together, so the two musicians wrote out the bridge section as it is heard on the track today. Note the key change and rhythm change in the middle of the solo... this section of the song provides the listener with a much needed deviation from the chordal structure, only to slam home on the chorus to finish out the piece. By taking the listener to a different sonic texture just before the end of the song, the rest of the piece developes a hauntingly catchy overtone and ensures that people leave shows and music stores humming this tune! Lyrically: The lyrics... take a second to read the lyircs over once more before reading this breakdown section... this song has a simplistic setup that contains a complex set of words. The theme of this song is 'possesions'. In particular, this song is about possesions that are intangible. Pride in the face of defeat. Strength of will after being shown all of your weaknesses. Hope and health that is gained through the family. Determination after being told that you CAN'T and WON'T. This song is about every person who wakes up in the morning and goes to work... not because they want to... not because they think they should... but because they HAVE to. The people who work, and work, and work until their job is done only to return home to houses / cars / clothes that are at, or below, the "national average". The American Public generates a popular view, and this view is that people with MONEY are SUCCESSFUL, and people who are WITHOUT money are not... which isn't true. 'Personal Effects' is about all of you hard working people out there who care about what you're doing and DON'T care about these material possesions, because you're living the life (or working toward living the life) you WANT to lead. You're stronger than possesions, you can live your life in your own way.
I’ve gotta be straight up, I’ve gotta be real I’m not gonna waste my time just telling you how I feel This stuff is live, man, so wake up now and open your mind Or pretty soon, an empty shell is all you’ll find Look in the mirror, my man, your life is what you’ll see Reflected back at you: your wife, your kids, your family Now think the car that you drive, just like the clothes that you wear They’re not the essence of you, they’re not the reason you’re here! So don’t be threatened by the life you might be leading today Don’t get frustrated by the stuff that’s popping up in your way Gotta get it straight now, prioritize your life and then say "I’m stronger than possessions, I can live my life in my own way!" I had a friend who put his life into material things He was a ladies man who had the whole world on a string But when his checking account hit rock bottom His stuff, like his friends, straight up left. They just forgot him With a house on the market, a repossessed car So far, no more cigars, he doesn’t even have drinks at the bars He couldn’t take it. He came to me, his heart bled I looked him straight in the eye, and this is what I said… CHORUS My life in my own way