Story Behind the Song
Le Regard D'Emilie (Emylia's Glance) is 3'19mn acoustic song. After a bizarre Love/Hate relation with a girl called Emilie, i started to write some poems and texts. Like most of rock artists does when something like that happens, i guess...
The latest text i wrote was an ambiguous love song/parody mixed poem. At this time i was listening many Blink 182, hidden acoustic fun songs ("granpa", "mother's day"...) and i came to the conclusion that i have to add some acoustic guitar part with my lyrics. I tried a Yoko Kano nice instrumental song, but it didn't worked. I like an old rock band from Japan called "X". This band from the 80ies didn't exist anymore since years and is knowned and fully appreciated in Japan, elsewhere it's not really the same way (customers comments on US Amazon) and it's a shame. In one of their first released single (1989) there was a cool instrumental track called "Endless Rain". I tried this track with my lyrics and i found it was cool enough to make a song with.
Some french girls listened to "Emilya's Glance" and told me it was nice, as a soft love song. I was surprised because the song's message is double nevertheless. My best friend read the song lyrics (wih no sound) and laugh at it. He told me it was fun. So i guess people won't hear the song the same way if they're boys or girls, and i think that's pretty interesting!
In this cover song, influences are Blink 182 ("Granpa"), Lou Reed ("Nobody But You"), Faith No More ("Das Schutzenfest"), Yoko Kanno (Macross Love Songs) and obviously X ("Endless Rain"). You can also take it only as a tribute for this no-longer-exist 80ies band and specially for Yoshiki.
Maybe the english translation only keeps the love message and not the hidden humorous one, because you can't keep the same french words/jokes. Anyway i tried to make an english translation as closer as i could and guess what ? It works! So check it out!
Not only once in my life,
not only one day,
where I woke up without thinking of you.
Daylight is only one pale gleam,
compared with the blue of your eyes.
A deep blue in which,
many and many times,
I drowned.
The depth of your glance is unsoundable (Unreachable, Unprobable),
how will I have been able,
to brush up (Reach) your soul?
It is said that the glance is the mirror's soul,
your reflection disfigured me forever.
Holy labyrinth where I lost myself with pleasure (Leasure, Frequently),
your soul is the door of all my desires.
By looking at your fawn-coloured mane,
I prefer you thus,
that not bald (Bat).
Bat (Smiling bald), Emylia, winged creature of the night (Moskito ?), yes...
Like a black-headed gull (Laughing gull),
the divine sound of your laugh, evokes me the softness of the spray (Soft marine wind).
Your cat-like pace,
and your graciles moves (Delicate, Slim),
evokes me the gracious swim of the manatee (Lamentable, Pitiful, Plaintive, Lament, Lover).
I am inexhaustible on you (Untiring on top of you, Running without drying up), because you are for me, an inexhaustible source of inspiration (Untiring, Spring).
Untiring I am, just like my love for you is... inextinguishable.
original version
"Pas une seule fois dans ma vie,
pas un seul jour,
ou je me suis eveille
sans penser e toi.
La lumière du jour n'est
qu'une pale lueur
comparee au bleu de
tes yeux.
Un bleu profond dans lequel,
maintes et maintes fois, je me suis
La profondeur de ton regard est insondable
comment aurai-je pu
effleurer ton ame ?
On dit que le regard est le miroir de l'ame,
ton reflet m'a a jamais
Labyrinthe sacre où je me perdais a loisir, ton ame est
la porte de tous mes desirs.
Au regard de ta criniere fauve,
je te prefere d'avantage ainsi que
non pas chauve.
Chauve-souris, Emilie, creature ailee de
la nuit, oui...
Telle une mouette rieuse,
le son divin de ton rire m'evoque
la douceur des embruns,
Ton allure feline et tes deplacements graciles,
m'évoquent la nage gracieuse du
Je suis intarissable sur toi car tu es pour moi,
une source d'inspiration inepuisable,
infatigable je le suis, tout comme mon amour pour toi est...
Lyrics & translation © 2002, Yannick Barcelo. all rights reserved. Guitar parts © 1989, Yoshiki X. All rights reserved.