Story Behind the Song
A story about our lives as we approach the 21st Century. The 21st Century CD is a Rock-&-Roll anthology of the 20th Century.
The season of our discontent
Is here, and now, you fear,
Like a faint alarm
Or a mariners' yarn
I beg you lend an ear.
Its all been told
The story's old
Twisted round your years;
The author of just how you looked,
Your lives, your deeds,
Your tears.
For all the changes still ahead,
Poetic judgment to be bled;
Whether you starved,
Or got whether you got well fed?
Cause there ain't nothing
Left to hide,
Your century is open wide,
How God decides!
21st Century...
So counting the hours,
Your silicon flowers,
Or brailling it blind
With zodiac signs,
An inter-net lie,
An information super highway!
To the window open
That's all in your head,
The government's abstract,
The kids got fed,
And lastly, but sad,
Your parents are dead...
Will the party be the same?
Do we have to do it all again?
Who was to blame?
21st Century?
Whilst the sun, faithful and shine,
A universe, forever sublime;
As you're dragged,
Screaming and kicking,
Into the 21st Century...
Celestial calls,
And this month, you're 'late'
Though you haven't seen no-one,
An immaculate fate;
Three kings in the hall,
A star on your door,
A halo round your head;
And all of these songs,
The rights and the wrongs,
The live and the dead,
Is nothing fantastic,
Just seasonal beds;
You lie in what you make...?
Such dreams, sustained,
I cant be led;
In sinew, soul, to be, is dead!
Got my mom on the line
Through a girl with a crystal ball.
And what I believe
Ain't worth a bean,
Intelligence thieves
Abound on the street,
And yet I will scream, 21st Century!
Its almost over
And you cant give it up,
Your boyfriend's a rat
And your business got fucked;
Some Jehovah at the door
Telling you there's always more,
Allors! Viva! Baby!
You hit him with the state curfew
Giving nodding sanctions
To the Blues;
Our full moon, come too soon,
21st Century.
For all the changes still ahead
Poetic judgment to be bled,
Whether you starved
Or whether you got well fed...?
Cause there ain't nothing left to hide,
Your century is open wide;
How God decides;
21st Century...