Story Behind the Song
I just sat down one day and wrote this song in Studio City. I had never programmed a drum machine, so I borrowed one from my boyfriend, and recorded Euro Merc. I hope no one takes it too seriosly!
EURO MERC Barb E. Dahl 1988
(Totally White Rap)
I start my day with a double cappuccino,
iced, of course, and not in Encino
Studio City is the place I dwell,
I got the killer crib, and location to chill.
I get in the Merc, 500SL
European breed, and fast as h---
put the top down so all can view me
I'm looking good cuzza plastic surgery.
Well, I went to Dr. E. and he did my nose
he did my eyes, that's as far as it goes!
I got all day so I think I'll spend some cash
cruisin' in the Merc, I don't take no trash.
Here come a guy, he actin' like a Bozo,
droolin' at my ride, "Hey, howzit goin'?"
Hey, dude, gimme a break.
I got a guy and his name is Vinnie
a bitchen rock-n-roller and he's really skinny
so if you wanna flirt, doncha be a jerk
and don't mess with the girl in the European Merc!
Now when I shop, I ain't lookin' for no bargain
I pay that mark-up (That's retail jargon)
If I find what's nice, I'm gonna pay the price,
cuz it's not who you are, it's what you wear?
Now if you think I'm a material girl
get real, it's a superficial world
Do you really think I'd make an impression driving a Hundai!
The moral of the story, as I can best describe
If you don't have the cash, beg, borrow or bribe
extend your credit to make yourself cool
and don't go out be dressin' like a fool!
Put your best face forward, whether it's real or not
make sure you're seen at all the cool spots
cop the attitude that your life is a breeze
and if you can't buy diamonds, then wear C.Z.s!