Human Monsters
It’s over between us because the world will not allow
It’s over between because , the powers that be,
won't allow us to see each other, even thought they know we’re in love
they won't let us stay together because we go against their moral laws
it’s over between us they are , forcing us to be
it’s over between us because they won’t leave us alone,
I can’t imagine that this world would let us, fall in love
and then not let stay together
I miss you so much , I’m still in love with you, don’t let tear us apart anymore
we can’t no we can’t let the human monsters win
It’s over between us because, even though we foiled their plans ,
It’s over between us because , we let it happen,
we became the monsters we always hated, our innocence became bitterness
don’t you remember you loved me, don’t you remember how could you forget
I miss you so much , I’m still in love with you , don’t let tear us apart anymore
we can’t no we can’t let the human monsters win