Story Behind the Song
This song was written for my ten year old daughter Taylor Marie. She sings harmony vocals and plays piano on the track. I wrote the song because I want her to know that "Daddy Loves Taylor!"
(She's)The Kind of Girl likes to dance around.
(She's)The kind of Girl likes to shop in town.
Sweet little angel in God's World, beautiful child in our world,
It's Taylor Marie, pretty Taylor Marie.
(She's)The Kind of Girl likes to play a game.
(She's)The Kind of Girl a doctor one-day.
Understanding beyond her years, kind-hearted love for all her peers,
It's Taylor Marie, pretty Taylor.
(She's)The kind of Girl sings an opera tune.
(She's)The kind of Girl born the 3rd of June.
Plays her piano for all to hear, gifted student the top tier,
It's Taylor Marie, pretty Taylor Marie.
(She's)The kind of Girl she got lots of friends.
(She's)The kind of Girl tickle if you can.
Innocent beauty, she's God's child, joyful laughter, she's my child,
It's Taylor Marie, pretty Taylor Marie.