Story Behind the Song
I love my step-granddaughter but have divorced her grandmother, and now I am
shunned by the family. I've written this
song which she hopefully will be able to find when she can search through the Internet and then we might reunite. I think
this is a special Internet theme.
Letter To Dara
O Dara, little Dara-ling,
I'm writing this when you are not even two.
Your Irish daddy and American mommy
do everything for you they can do.
I cannot do for you anything
from Hungary, a continent away.
But I hope you will fish this letter out
from the ocean of the Internet one day.
And little Dara, sweet Dara-ling,
by hearing my voice you will understand
that there's an old man who loves you, too,
and you can grab his virtual hand.
I loved your grandmother but we divorced
and now I feel lonely, very lonely,
because I lost with this divorce
a lot of people - a whole family.
I lost her brothers, I lost her son,
and lost her daughter (who is your mommy),
and I'm going to lose you, little Dara --
unless you find this letter and find me.
I hope I will be still around
when you find a nice guy to marry,
and I might be invited to your wedding
as your Hungarian ex-step-grand-daddy.