Story Behind the Song
My girfriend was having a bad day, so I thought I'd make a quick song so cheer her up. :)
INTRO:(low voice)
Hello baaaby! I was just thinking... did you have a bad day today? I got a little story for ya. It goes a little like this...
I got up this morning, and I couldn't find my shoes... (oh yeah thats right)
Then I poured a bowl a cerial, and realized I didn't have any milk
Then I went to the DMV to get my REG, and my pay check is gone
I stopped at a pawn shop for a valentine card, but then I got hit by a semi --
**I hope you have a great day , I'll make your dreams come true **
Then I went to the post office, I didn't have any stamps
I ran out of gas on the way home, and had to walk 7 miles
But the thought of you made me smile, and courage to keep on going.
I got the tingles for rest of my day, and had a great day
**I hope you have a great day , I'll be thinking of you **