Story Behind the Song
This song is ideal for any movie about 'Vegas. Please contact us at to use the song in your project.
That City
My City, Las Vegas
Oh! That City
My City, Las Vegas
So Pretty
My City, Las Vegas
I've been around this world, you see
A dozen times or so
But, I know, yes, you're mine
Las Vegas
Fun Town, Downtown
The Strips' a glow
Make a wish, you might get rich
Come Join the Show
The sun is right
Those blinking lights
There's so much there to see
In that City
My City, Las Vegas
Come on guys!
Oh, that city
My City, Las Vegas
So Pretty
My City Las Vegas
That Razz-ma-tazz and all that Jazz
Is waiting there for you
So come with me
To that city, Las Vegas
Come on babe, lay that dollar down
Copyright 1980 Aleph Baze Music (BMI)