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    "A Letter To Guinness (original)"  Parental Advisorygenre: Parodies
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    Original Version Of The Most Popular Shiteman Song On Any P2P Fileshare Network; A Classic Parody Of Eminem's "Stan".
    CD: Greatest Sh*ts   Label: Shite Records.

    My beer's gone warm I'm wondering why I got off the floor at all, the morning hangover clouds my memory and I can't recall at all, but even if I could it would all be shite but this bottle in my hand, it reminds me that it's not so bad, it's not so bad.

    My beer's gone warm I'm wondering why I got off the floor at all, the morning hangover clouds my memory and I can't recall at all, but even if I could it would all be shite but this bottle in my hand, it reminds me that it's not so bad, it's not so bad.

    Dear Guinness, I wrote you but you still ain't calling, I just wanted you to know that I found a can with a ball in it. I was just on my third when I noticed it at the bottom; there probably was a problem with the mixing machine or something. But sometimes I imagine things like this when I drink a lot, oh hell just the other night after my fifteenth shot, I thought my dog Mindy was my wife and boy we had a blast, when I turned her over side ways and fucked her in the ass. But that's another story what I really wanted to say, is that your thick and creamy liquid makes me feel so queer and gay, oh just the other night I grabbed my son Georgy and I kissed him, oh I see it must be your floating draft system.

    My beer's gone warm I'm wondering why I got off the floor at all, the morning hangover clouds my memory and I can't recall at all, but even if I could it would all be shite but this bottle in my hand, it reminds me that it's not so bad, it's not so bad.

    Dear John, thank you for your letter but we're very busy, you said you kissed your homo son what are you a sissy? Look we're really flattered you enjoy are floating draft, but I'm sure that's not what makes you want to take it in the ass. I don't know what to say maybe you're an alcoholic, it's not are fault you enjoy to have your balls licked. It's probably from drinking too much beer and liquor of all sorts, or maybe it's just your son Georgy's "Come Fuck Me" shorts. Any way thanks for choosing our Guinness and beer, and please never write again you fucking Irish queer!!!

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