Story Behind the Song
There was a time when I was totally writer's blocked, I felt like the dust bowl in the 1930's inside, like none of my creative seeds were fertile enough to render a yielding. I was stumped and that made me frustrated, so I pushed and pushed myself, and the frustration actually gave me something to write about, "Your conscience is yelling, 'your stuck now', then stuck bleeds and that's a fruitful little seed". I also realized that I had been stingily holding onto my thoughts and words the entire time, I had never run out I was just putting them through such an unfairly critical filter - "And now you're leaking out what was never yours to keep". It's not mine to keep, so here it is...
You can have all the strength of a thousand men, you can have all the courage to beat them down and beat them down, but your hand's getting tired from hoeing such a load - My love, I'm trying, oh/chorus: but in the sigh you find your breath was stolen, and now you're leaking out what was never yours to keep/and with your conscience yelling, "you're stuck now" stuck bleeds, and that's a fruitfull little seed/v2. You can move all the mountains and crumble them to the sea, but that's not what you want or need, trembling, shaking hours in you bed, to keep, from needing love/chorus/bridge:time flies and you're a blessing or a curse, but what you keep is never all you're worth/you can stand, don't look away, sunset's song's just sliding away../v3. when the threads that can catch you are mended in your mind, and all that you reached for's no longer on the line, the heart with arthritis starts rolling all it's palms out and there's room to be satisfied/ chorus/