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    "Can you feel?"genre: Hardcore Punk
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    Straight forward hardcorepunk!
    CD: Demo 2003

    Can you feel?

    I’m no better or less than the people around me
    But you thinking something different while you’re looking at me
    But you disagree when you’re looking at me

    Can you feel?
    Can you feel?
    Can you feel?
    Can you feel the pressure?

    Cast me aside
    Like you always do
    To the ones who aren’t like you
    To the ones who don’t impress you

    Can you feel?
    Can you feel?
    Can you feel?
    Can you feel the pressure?

    You have no understanding of diversity

    Like it or not
    I still have a right
    To feel pride for who I am
    I won’t dissappear from your sight

    Can you feel?
    Can you feel?
    Can you feel?

    Can you feel the pressure?

    Can you feel the pressure?
    Can you feel the pressure?
    You can’t feel the pressure ! NO!

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