Story Behind the Song
The ultra orthodox don't say it. Because they are against the state. The leftists don't say it. Because they don't believe in asking for blessings. The rightists don't say it because the country isn't right enough for them. Well all we have to do is ask. And maybe we will be blessed. To live together in this crazy country in peace and happiness.
Barech et Medinat Yisrael,
Barech et Ohavei Yisrael,
Et Hayale tzva hagana leYisrael.
Et medinat Yisrael.
Barech et Medinat Yisrael,
Et Kseifeh, Rahat veDaliat El Carmel,
Et Tel-Aviv, et Tsefat, et Haifa, Eilat
Be'er Sheva, uBet El.
Hagen Aleha
Be'evrat Hasdecha
Ufross alleha... ufross alleha
et sukath shellomecha.
Uri uri tsafon
uboee boee Teiman!
Barech et Medinat Yisrael...
et Medinat Yisrael.
lahalai la la la lahalai...
Ovinu shebashomayim tzur Yisroel wajoealloe.
Barech (french horns)
Barech (again)
Barech (haTikva)
Et Medinat Yisrael