Story Behind the Song
A realtionship of one of the band members.
She said to me I hate you, she said to go to hell. I said to her I love you, and i'll always wish you well. She told me I'm jealous of what I no longer had. I told her she only said that to try to make me mad. She looked my way with those cruel eyes, and all i saw was bitterness and despise. Then i began to wonder, began to wonder why. Why she acted this way, and always made me cry. I started to remember all the fights form the past, and how long i sat there and let it all last. I was forced to say i'm sorry, I was forced to go along. I never knew anything, but now I know your wrong. I went the way you went, and acted the way you do. I always thought to myself, wish I could be like you. I was your pet form beginning to end. Now I wonder if I'm even a friend. I still wish and wonder, as I lay down at night, I could maybe try to fix things, and make everything alright. I end up sleeping with thoughts of you. where all our good memories are fresh and a knew. Only in my dreams are whereour relationship lasts. This is where I will leave my special perosan from the past.