Story Behind the Song
I was a chaplain at Flower Hospital. I worked with an army of older citizens who put in millions of hours per year of free work.
I was asked to sing at the Red Jacket breakfast. I wrote this song for all of those gray haired giants and for any one who gives tirelessly to their church or scouts or what ever.
what you did for the least of these
what you did, my child, you should know
that what you did, for the least of these
that you did for Me also
1. Oh my Lord, whebn did I serve you
When did I see you? Pleasse let me know?
Oh my Lord, I am so lost and confused.
Won't you tell me what I have done
(he just smiled and He said)
2. Are there prisons, or widow's homes?
Did you Go? Did you spread My light?
Feed the hungry, clothe the poor?
answer children's calls in the night
3. Do not fear, to give your love.
They'll break your heart time after time.
Do not fear, to give your love all away.
Oh, my child, I will give you Mine.
(because of what you did...)