Story Behind the Song
John 14:2-4
2 In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. 4 You know the way to the place where I am going."
“Just A Little While”
Verse 1:
Soon this life will all be over And our pil-grim-age will end,
Soon we’ll take our heavenly journey, Be at home again with friends;
Heaven’s gates are standing open, Waiting for our entrance there,
Some sweet day we’re going over, All the beauties there to share.
Just a little while to stay here, Just a little while to wait,
Just a little while to la-bor In the path that’s al-ways straight,
Just a little more of trou-bles In this low and sin-ful state,
Then we’ll enter heavens por-tals, Sweeping through the pearl-y gates.
Verse 2:
Soon we’ll see the light of morn-ing, Then the new day will be-gin,
Soon we’ll hear the Father cal-ling, “Come my children enter in;”
Then we’ll hear a choir of an-gles, Singing out the vic-t’ry song,
All our troubles will be end-ed And we’ll live with heav-en’s throng.
Verse 3:
Soon we’ll meet again our loved ones And we’ll take them by the hand,
Soon we’ll press them to our bos-om Over in the promised land;
Then we’ll be at home for-ev-er, Throughout all e-ter-ni-ty,
What a bless-ed, bless-ed morn-ing That e-ter-nal morn will be.