Story Behind the Song
This song has a very important message. Although God is merciful and long suffering and wishes that all would come to repentance, there is coming a day that God will say "enough!". That day could be now, tomorrow, or years away. Are you willing to gamble away your soul? This just might be God's last alter call.
God’s Last alter Call
Verse 1: God’s counting life’s minutes…as they tick away,
It could be a year…but then maybe a day;
You don’t know the hour…when you’ll make that scene,
For tomorrow you may be riding, in that cold black limousine.
Chorus: Ten……...Nine..Eight,
Are you sure you’ve got time… to wait?
Come to Jesus…even if you have to crawl,
This just might be…God’s last alter call.
Seven……….Six Five..
Are you sure you’re satisfied with your life?
My friend, it’s just a few steps…and that’s all,
This just might be…God’s last alter call.
Can you hear Him, Oh He’s calling to you?
What if He locks…up the world, and say’s that’s all,
We’ll this just might be…God’s last alter call. (Repeat)