Big ugly stare
Big Knockahoones
Your pubic hair
Smells like tuna
Your a piece of shit, slut, cunt, whore, hoe, nigger, bitch, viaginial itch,
crap, shit, horses ass, fat ankled, butt ugly, cottage cheese ass
You fucked me and 50 other guys, you fucked a girl, you fucked me over, you
fucked the buddhist, fuck the world, you fucked yourself, you fucked up your
I hope you die, i hope you get ran over, when you get rapped again for sleeping
with older men, stds will eat the rest of your pathetic life away, when you die
no one will care anyway
Case your an aids invested, cunt bag, slimey, hairy, fat piece of shit, fuck you
up the ass again, just to see you bleed, you dirty, slutty, dikish slob
How can you sleep at night
Knowing that you hurt someone
Someone who would do anything for you
Someone who would die for you
When you go to sleep tonight
I hope you dream of kissing me
I'm wishing your still missing me
How can you sleep at night