Lehigh Valley
Salty nose pressed against the window
Golden hair fallen in the way
Fingers five, all you can count on any more these days
The glass reflects a funny gaze
You get your shoes even thought you could walk on, on and on this way
They always want you to pick up the pace
With mother gone, who can you count on anymore these days
Little hand hides a little face
Oh, we get away
And a year begets itself
For the moment it’s all over
But the moment is not forever
And oh, I’d be ok
If I could remember the last time my day stood still
The breeze pulses over Lehigh Valley
The next best thing is on its way
Little dances, imagination, and a phony friend
Tools we should not have put away
At times things seem to be folding over and over themselves
Started at the notion to run away
So much alive, yet so much a victim of another day
A weathered hand hides a weathered face
Cool is for the fool who follows aimless
Pursuit with little there to gain
We survived time when the mirror was a lonely thing
But live and die by it today
Going through this book with no marker, try to find your place
Sometimes you find it staring you in the face
But when it’s lost who can you count on for better days
Little hand hides a little face