*Police sirens in the background*
*This is the latest news report coming live form Hong Kong where a wannabe rapper by the name of TozZ has been found dead on the streets. This folks, is the result of enterin a battle u cannot win*
Oh shit! Everybody's askin "Who killed TozZ?"//
Before da battle had begun u had already lost//
I'll rip ur rhymes apart, I'll expose all ur flaws//
But I dun need to rip ur pants off to noe tat u dun hav balls//
Battlin u is like goin to the toilet 2 unload ma waste//
I'll start spittin, pissin, dissin n shittin in ur face//
I'm so high up above tat I hav to bend ma kneez//
I noe u "feelin" my shit coz u "lookin" up to me//
TozZ, u seem like the worst thing to come out of Hong Kong//
The first guy on Azn Raps to hav a dick ZERO inches long//
Or mayb ur a gurl, I've overjudged u//
U rap so soft, u remind me of tofu//
Itz "T" fo tha "T"errible way tat u flow//
U sound like a monk chanting mantra without lyrics I'll nvr noe//
Itz "o" for "o"bviously wack kid, where's ur talent at?//
I'll add a "C" to ur so called "rap" n let's call it CRAP//
The "Z"s signify "Z"ERO, tat's where TozZ stands//
U rap better wif ur mouth closed and by usin 2 hands//
To (w)rap presents to please me, before this shit ends//
If u just admit ur wack then mayb we still can b friends//
I'll make it big while makin u look so damn small//
U've got a big "T" and a big "Z", n tat's about all//
I realised somethin when I heard ur track "Where Are You"//
Ur ex was smart enuff to leave when she spotted a fool//
O.K., mayb this H.K. fella had a sick flow//
But tat was when Tupac bcame president n Africa had snow//
So how low can u go when ur almost touchin hell?//
I heard u're makin an album now, will it ever sell?//
For the sake of rap I dun wanna c TozZ in hip-hop//
Like Jackie Chan in Tuxedo, well he's a total flop//
Here's a lil somethin from me to u before u turn rock//
Itz a gigantic lollipop, u noe why? Coz u SUCK a lot!//
October 27th, 1987 (TozZ's birthday)//
Hip-hop's saddest day, a reject straight from heaven//
Steppin up to me on da mic is one thing that u shouln't//
Itz a barbeque on stage n u'll b the biggest roasted chicken//
Mr. H.K. is a big kid wif weak punchlines//
A 15-year old loaded wif losta nursery rhymes//
Plz place ur tracks in a place where the sun don't shine//
Coz I'm gettin tired of seeing a kid who fails all of the time//
U can't even rap and u wanna make beats?//
U could try 1 million times, n still get 0 hits//
Why u lettin time burn makin music no one feels?//
Like a man without sperm, you've got no production skillz//
Maybe u ain't productive coz u haven't matured//
Seems like even ur ex-girl noes tat u rap like a nerd//
If she does come back to u, it ain't because u rap//
Mayb u DO hav a dick but to everybody ur still wack//
It was a match made in heaven, TozZ married failure//
Impossible to separate, they're destined to b together//
Between him n a cow, itz obvious whoz better//
A cow can give beef but TozZ can't even rhyme on paper//
U sure post quick but there's a reason I post late//
U couldn't snatch victory even if it was served on a plate//
I'm battlin u only becoz I've got time 2 kill//
Itz the only way to murder u without goin to jail//