Story Behind the Song
Written in the attic, the original demo of this song was done by Gregg, who stumbled upon a cool bass groove, added some guitar and then just turned on the mic and started singing. The lyrics on this song were the first words to come out of his mouth, and have never been changed, which is why the structure of the song is a bit strange.
Dont look now, dont turn around
Dont look back, dont even make a sound
Its here, its now, its time to face
What we have been looking for
To see whats in your eyes
Cant look back, no use in telling lies
And I
Need to see
Here it comes, for me again
Dont look down dont even want to sin
Cuz if I die, before I wake
Pray to God, pray to God my soul to take
Cuz I have seen the time and need
Its looking right, looking right in between
My eyes, in my brain
Its comin back, its coming around again
I see it in, the things we do
Looking here, looking here for me and you
And I
Need to see
Whats in your eyes
They reflect, reflect in my desire
The consequence I failed to see
Is looking back, looking back here at me
Now take a line, its not my time
To beat the end, coming around again
I look into, a set of eyes
Wondering, wondering where
Am I