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    "The Stereotype"genre: Classic Rock
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    This song is about a man, who is too weird to fit any stereotype, though his appearance and behavior might seem very familiar to anyone.
    Credits: Written and performed by Mikhail Pesok

    Story Behind the Song
    I first came up with the melody for the song, and then - the lyrics. For some reason, I just started singing: "He was a non-smoker, non-smoking a lot" and the whole song grew from this line.

    The lyrics mean: recognize people, but don't ever think you know them. I make references to William Faulkner, the great American writer, because reading and understanding his literature much like his stories themselves by no means can fit any stereotype. But he is not just a random example: the theme of "fire" in the song comes from his story "Barn Burning".

    It took me couple of days to write it and a week to record whenever I had a spare time to do it. There were approximately 10 takes in total.

    He was a non smoker, non-smoking a lot
    He liked watching baseball and driving his Ford
    On two lanes of traffic to have enough space
    While others were willing to spit in his face

    The saddest of things that he's ever seen
    Was pizza in high school when he was a teen

    He read William Faulkner but not for the hype
    He just didn't fit the stereotype

    He drank diet soda - excuse to eat more
    And called it a fitness to pass through the door
    He stared in the mirror that refused to reflect
    Mysterious look he was trying to get

    The funniest gesture that he's ever made
    Was telling a story of how he got laid

    He read William Faulkner but not for the hype
    He just didn't fit the stereotype

    And then came the day when he cleaned up his locker
    And bought an old gun to stage William Faulkner
    There's no real warmth behind being nice
    So he opened a fire to break through the ice

    The scariest words that he's ever heard
    Were "Get a life, will ya?", "fat bastard" and "nerd"

    He read William Faulkner but not for the hype
    He just didn't fit the stereotype

    We all heard the story, the play in the news
    But we never run out of patience or clues
    His crime was an instance of social satire
    And we'll always gather to sit by his fire

    The scariest words that he's ever heard
    Were "Get a life, will ya?", "fat bastard" and "nerd"

    He read William Faulkner but not for the hype
    He just didn't fit the stereotype

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