Story Behind the Song
Fear of this man- is about domestic violence involving a man who is in a powerful position and is very influential. The woman has to change her entire identity to hide. This is true story about someone that I know.
Fear of this man
Our systematic community, allows him to abuse her with force and verbally
He fools the judge, that it's not his fault, so she can't run to the law even if he slapped her like a doll (His time will)
She must escape or this will be her fate, she left before the morning and hitched a ride to another state
She's now invisible, so far in dread, she changed her names and numbers so he'll think she is lost or dead (His time will come, Kiki is not a nun)
So she lives in the fear of this man, that she really wants to kill him it's sad
So she lives in the fear of this man, this Catholic girl, she sure wants him bad
Her dream catcher and her crucifix, her loaded forty five helps her sleep right through the night
She understands the local laws, but she'd rather greet his maker with her gun against his jaws (His time will come, Kiki has a gun)
So she lives in the fear of this man, that she really wants to kill him it's sad
So she lives in the fear of this man, this Catholic girl, she sure wants him bad
Most of the time she would come to a father to confess when she's black and blue
He'd forgive the wife beating monster, while the victims are abused
Oh, it goes on and on, psycho stop, he's gotta stop, she'll make him stop, yeah
Music by Ray Doktor and Keith Matsuo
Words by Ray Doktor info: 213-702-0323 (USA) 2002 copyright