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    "Someday"genre: Indie
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    The second song on our original demo.
    CD: Demo   Label: Independent
    Credits: Vocals - Heather Steele / Guitars - Michael Payton & Mark Carter / Bass - Josh Gurley / Drum Programming - Mark

    Story Behind the Song
    "I wrote it because i'm sick of feeling like a loser.. like.. a no one. I know that eventually I'll get my act together and I'll show everyone I'm worth something. So that's sort of what its about..don't judge me yet."
    We recorded the song at Mark's house...with his computer. The drums are programmed, because we couldn't find a drummer for the day, and it was recorded before we found Troy. Most of the parts are one or two takes. The vocals were pretty much all first takes.

    someday I will be great,
    If only I could get my feet on the ground first.
    If I could touch that earth with my toes,
    skip with the rest of you in empty rows
    to some black and white building for those
    who never really dream in color.
    someday I will be beautiful,
    if I could just reach far enough to touch that sky
    I stretch but I'm short for start,
    though the others just rip apart,
    become nothing but decapitated arms,
    grabbing fistfuls of sky.
    someday I will be wonderful,
    if I could just talk myself into going for the gold,
    on that silver platter of nothingness,
    like everyone else holding its beauty,
    taking it on themselves as it their duty,
    to preserve the yellow painted stone of their future.
    someday I will understand,
    and stand in that circle of winners with the best,
    empty bodies and souless eyes,
    hoping the person across from me dies,
    so that I can take their place too.
    if that someday ever comes,
    I'm going to run,
    if being a loser means so much to me,
    why would I give it up to be like them?

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