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    "The Autograph"genre: Guitar Rock
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    The song is about the differences between two categories of people - planets and stars.
    Credits: Written and performed by Mikhail Pesok

    Story Behind the Song
    I came up with the lyrics for the song while
    sitting in the computer lab of some university after hours of programming in Java. I'm thankful to Java for the lyrics.
    The lyrics mean: "It's alright to sign an autograph, even if you're not famous, as long as someone is asking for it."

    It took me couple of days to compose it and about a week to record it, since I lost all the data on my digital studio. I was so sad, I stopped counting the takes.

    The Autograph

    He once was mistaken for a famous man
    And gently approached by a desperate fan,
    Who silently wondered where was the hair
    Or was it a trick of a millionaire.

    The man was a poet, but only part-time,
    A full-time designer and crazy for rhyme.
    Maybe not just for rhyme, but quite overall,
    Since that's what his autograph said on the wall:

    "We are the planets - they are the stars.
    They need pretty faces, and fat memoirs.
    We just switch channels to watch our sky,
    Only to find out that that pigs never fly.

    They are so distant - we are so close.
    We've never dreamt of a drug overdose.
    We donate money only when billed.
    They are the talented - we're simply skilled.

    We are the planets - they are the stars.
    They think our sun is not shining for us,
    Our Milky Way is just a chocolate brand,
    And universe has no need to expand

    We are the planets - they are the stars.
    Babies, you can't really drive our cars,
    But we can bring you love and respect,
    Sign you an autograph you won't forget."

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