Story Behind the Song
It's about a visit to my parents during Hanukkah where I realized how different I was from them. How wholesome can you get?
I travelled in a shadow. You threw my life away. A mistake, or worse, a
present in reverse. Eight candles on a table. Two smiles and a sigh. I
was lost, away. It was my last holiday. A family photo, a family shot.
A bag of memories thrown out to rot. But you're mother and you're my dad.
You were the best friends I ever had. I wandered through the cornfield.
I lay in ice and snow. I found me, the only one I could be. I screamed
and no one heard me. I yelled from far away. It was sad, a waste, an
exercise in bad taste. You never noticed, you never cared. You pointed
fingers, I cut my hair. I tried to listen, you could not hear. It was
the same old thing every year.