Story Behind the Song
I wrote this after a telephone conversation with my Mom, in which she reminded me that regardless of the fact that I grew up in Eastern Massachusetts, I always dressed and behaved as a cowboy at a young age. Over the last twenty odd years, I have had the opportunity to cowboy many of the ranges of the west and to share the stage with many of Country Music's Greatest.
Momma, Im A Cowboy
Words & Music By: Rick Devin, Buffalo Peak Publishing Co. (c) 2000 ASCAP
Recorded on Row Of Doors CD By: Rick Devin & Red Cloud Records (c)(p) 2002
Riding the range in my backyard;
Dinners soon, so dont go far.
Broom stick horses, toy tin gun;
Bad outlaws on the run.
Cowboy hats, my buddies and me;
Western dreams, riding free.
Look, Momma, Im a cowboy.
Look, Momma, Im a cowboy.
Eastern schools, nice young man;
City job, Yes you can.
Tailored suits, nice new car;
Work real hard, you will go far.
Buy a house or save your money;
Now this cowboy thing, just aint funny.
But, Momma, Im a cowboy.
But, Momma, Im a cowboy.
I know you want the best for me,
I just wish you could see,
Im a cowboy.
Western land, canyons of red;
Star filled skies tuck me to bed.
Traveling up these mountain trails;
Where horse and man seldom fail.
Driving cattle, singing a song;
Riding night guard all night long.
Jingling spurs, campfire guitar;
Smell of coffee from afar.
Stetson hats, pickup trucks;
Been to town, broke my heart.
Life long friends, childrens pride;
For my own brand I ride.
Momma, please dont tan my hide;
Guess Ive been countrified.
Yeah, Momma, Im a cowboy.
Yeah, Momma, Im a cowboy.
Yeah, Momma, Im a cowboy.
Look, Momma, Im a cowboy.
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