Story Behind the Song
Liberty Martyr is about "Ms. Liberty" literally becoming a martyr for liberty itself. More and more everyday she is beaten and trampled and left for dead as we teach our children to swear allegience to a country that would have them die for oil. Liberty is also betrayed by the media's lies and by the general apathy of the American people. She is pleading for mercy and no one hears.
children rise to make a promise that they don’t understand, hold their hearts to make a promise to bloody their hands, born into shackles, blindfolds are so familiar, they only see what they’ve been shown, and it’s a lie. tell me, have you seen ms. liberty today? why is crying, when did her beautiful eyes begin to fade? She looks so lonely and I think she’s got something to say: “why have you forgotten me?” the television spews lies on waiting ears, the people claim they want a change but they don’t bother, and empty lines and propaganda won’t lift the stain from a single filthy, blood-soaked dollar. “It’s only for the best,” they say, I don’t believe and I won’t buy that delusion of liberty.