Story Behind the Song
This one only took 8 hours to record. This is record time for me. And it actually turned out pretty good. This is quite a relief since "Ritualistic Defilement" took the better part of 4 months to record.
This was actually inspired by an old Star Trek episode called "Spock's Brain" I just loved it when Bones performed surgery at Spocks command, actually quite funny, but a good one no less.
I escaped my padded cell
To make peoples lives a living hell
I love to carve on the human skull
To dig deep into it's hull
Watching your eyes as I remove your brains
I know, I can tell of your state, oh the pains
I start with your hair, shaving it off, pulling some
Making a mask from your likeness, your face I pulled it from
Remove all skin from the scalp, the blood flows
This is the death for you I have chose
Prying through the bone, removal of posterior cranial
Of this procdure I have become anal
If not done right
A disaster will become of the night
Brains exposed
Life's function severely imposed
To reach the inner core, the motor function
I am for sure your main malfunction
To control the human mind, body and soul is my lust
To keep your brains from oozing out is a must
Or another victim I will have to search
A body that will never travel a hearse
Cranial Dissection, mutilation of the soul
Your control