Story Behind the Song
I had made a journey to Vancouver Island, having flown from London to LA on Sept 10th 2001, on United Airlines. I went to compose myself ! After one of the sickest attacks on innocent people, in human history, I felt drawn to a natural environment, to contemplate, and write the musical "Coming To".
I count myself fortunate for not taking the Boston interconnecting flight to LA, the next day the 11th, but just the same, life has always been temporary. The virtual revolution might lead us up an arrogant path, to think we'll live physically forever, but the fact is, we better live every moment, love every son & daughter, our lover, parents, family, friends & our planet, like there's no tomorrow. If Man continues warring & polluting the Earth, there maybe no tomorrow.
It felt like all hell blew a fuse
There was nothing to lose, except your sanity.
Had civilization grown cold, in search of gold, in its vanity?
Had love been replaced by toys, overgrown boys, steering our destiny
The cost of not giving our time is a prominent sign, that says to me
Temporary, accomodation situation
Temporary, limited expectations
Could it be that you and me
Are facing being Temporary
What price in time are the hills?
Who has the Will to account these things
Or the death of an innocent life,
What is the price for the next of kin.
(Business Rap)
"Here today, gone tomorrow,
How much future can you borrow
Time is the commodity, if yours is free
You're no good to me
Being wise is a matter of size,
The property you realise
Investment based on high concerns
Body parts are a safe return!"