Story Behind the Song
The cold world of corporate downsizing and discrimination against older workers.
I'm looking for a job
Yeah, I'm looking for a job
Thirty years experience
Now I'm bounced and benched
After years of loyal service I got fired
The company calls it "Early Retired"
I got the reorganizing, Downsizing Blues
Without my job, my career seems through
They kicked me out, they read me the bill
You're past your prime, you're over the hill
You had your time, now we'll find someone new
I got the reorganizing, Downsizing Blues.
If I wanted severence pay
I had to sign my rights away
Say I left without coercion
or age discrimination
I swore I wouldn't sue no matter what the facts
Or I would have to give the money back
I got the reorganizing, Downsizing Blues
Without my job, my career seems through
They kicked me out, they read me the bill
You're past your prime, you're over the hill
You had your time, now we'll find someone new
I got the reorganizing, Downsizing Blues.
You can't hire based on age
Yet youth is still the rage
So they code employment ads
Seeking recent college grads
What good's a Bachelors, Masters or a PhD
Earned well past a quarter century?
It ain't easy without pay
Living off my IRA
Told at every agency
There are just no jobs for me
I would consider a lower position
But cabbie tips won't cover my kid's tuition.
I got the reorganizing, Downsizing Blues
Without my job, my career seems through
They kicked me out, they read me the bill
You're past your prime, you're over the hill
You had your time, now we'll find someone new
I got the reorganizing, Downsizing Blues
I got the reorganizing, Downsizing Blues.
(©2000, Rachel Stone)