Not by the wisdom of man
Not by the power of his hand
Not by any plan or device
Not by skill, devotion, or might,
The battle belongs to the Lord. .
The Branch shall come, He will build the Lord's temple
And He shall bear its glory.
The Lord will rule, He will be a priest upon His Throne,
And David's kingdom will endure.
We will not fear, though the earth be removed,
And the mountains all fall into the sea.
The heathen rage, and the earthly kingdoms cannot stand,
But by the Lord of hosts we are kept safe.
We have put on our armor. Our shields and weapons are in place, and we have learned to use them with skill. We know who the enemy is, and we do not fear him. But our confidence does not come from our equipment or abilities, but from our understanding of the Commander's plan. There can be no lost battle for Him. His power and ability can never be doubted. He has already fought and won the supreme battle. Our place is merely to act out what we know. He is the King of Glory, mighty in battle. We are the subjects of His kingdom, and His Word is our confidence of victory. We know that not one promise will be lost! He will rule, and we will have a place in His kingdom, giving Him glory forever!