Story Behind the Song
This song came out of my playing around with an electronic rhyming dictionary.
I was reading a good book the other day
When some visitors came and I put it away
Near a vase or a case, or some other place
Of that well-read book I can find no trace
Distraught, I have thought, but I've come to naught
Tried to track my lacking actions to the spot
To protract the facts and then calmly react
This growing perplexing distraction compact
To find that book myself I betook
I would look and look 'til my confidence shook
I would check in every hook and crook
Not a single nook would I overlook
I would find that book if that book could be found
With my book-finding prowess I would astound
All my friends would be envious, with good cause
"How to find any book" I'd expound, to applause
Where that book could be could be anyone's guess
Could it be in the dresser?
No it's not in there, 'cause that wouldn't be fair
To have put that book in with all that hair
All that hair from my brush, I was in a rush
When I lept down the stair to the basement where
The old washer was pounding, its rhythm resounding
Through the walls, the vents, and through the cement
Foaming and groaning its frequent lament
And stating with hate its severe discontent
Where could I have put that book instead
Maybe under the bed?
I could see I'd need to get down on my knees
Like a kid, so I did, heaven forbid!
Wracked my brain in pain, craned my neck to check
Nearly wrecked my back just try'na inspect
Found a doll, a shawl, an old rubber ball
A dried plum, a drum, some unused gum
A bun, a bin, a bean, a swim fin
A mint, a flint, and a dinosaur footprint
Justified frown, turned the town upside-down
Forsook my previous plans to bake cake
Checked in every hook and crook for that book
Dragged the lake, walked down by the brook at daybreak
Not a single nook have I overlooked!
I just had to sit for a little bit
And muffled sounds of frustration emit
That a misfit bit of writ should outwit
A man so old and bold and controlled
I was ready to quit, my defeat to admit
To grab my shellac, a tack and a knapsack
And bike or hitchhike or follow the train tracks
Back to my knick-knack shack in the outback
To buy an old black yak, build a haystack
Snack on smackin' good hillbilly flapjacks
To make like a jake banana and split, when
Oh, here it is--right where I left it