Story Behind the Song
My brother Nate Palmer wanted some intro music for his radio program at 91.7 fm Bates Voc tec. out of Tacoma washington.
I know you know society's,in confusion's gravity.Freedom's not where it used to be,God help Alla humanity,Floats another loan and buy's a new home for it's monster.The world's turnin wrong as we're drawn to the arm's of our Monster...Justice murdered in sixty three,corperations greedily,chew the root's off our families,God help Alla humanity,floats another loan and buys a new throne for it's Monster,the world's turnin wrong as we're drawn into the arm's of our monster...I know you know security,is illusion a fantacy,freedom's not what it used to be God help Alla humanity.Satan's on the phone,he's callin in his loans on our monster.The world's turnin wrong now we're falling to the arm's of our monster.