One nation subject to God with liberty and justice for some, last night they found another kid in the gutter with a bullet in his brain, and I wonder who's to blame for this mess?, everywhere is fertile ground for hate to breed, now hear the sound of children crying ‘cause they're scared of this place, people are hungry, people are cold, people are lonely, people are sold, people are empty, void of hope, lost in depression, cannot cope, no where to go, no escape, no way to flee from their fate, this is America, all the pain, all the shame, all the lies, how many will die this very day ‘cause we're a people who walk away from the aftermath of actions don't want the babies just want the orgasms, give up freedom for freedom's sake, frightened nation are you taking the bait?, terrorized now her eyes see so dimly, a kid grows up to join in the game just a new face and a new name maintaining status quo, perfect fit in the system, all hail the red, white and blue, it's God to so many of you, look inside the heart of America