Story Behind the Song
Written when out of work and under a lot of stress
The Quest
I'm sailing through my life like a ship on the ocean,
The waves are breaking over my bow.
The wake I leave behind me is a turbulent motion,
No way to know the fair from the foul.
A broken sky lies out before me,
I listen to the wind as it howls.
I see the storm clouds out on the horizon,
I know that trouble waits for me now.
I set my sail for the distant shore,
Where the sky meets the edge of the sea.
I won't look back, looking straight ahead,
Where the answer's waiting there for me,
Where the sky meets the edge of the sea.
The water and the wind are locked in desperate struggle,
My vessel seems so fragile and small.
But the quest I'm on is urgent and the stakes are eternal,
I can hear that beckoning call.
I feel the strangeness as the Gail is howling,
Fear is crackling 'round my brain.
But through it all something deep inside me,
Tells me that there's much to be gained.
The quest I'm on is urgent there's no time to be lost,
The peril and the hazard are near.
But trusting in the chart and the love of the Master,
I'm not giving in to the fear.
As surely as the sea, there's a God Almighty,
As surely as the wind He is near.
As surely as the storm is driving me onward,
There's peace when I'm moving in His will.