Story Behind the Song
This song was written in the mindset that everyone thinks we live in a perfect world, when the fact is our world is far from perfect and the lives that we lead can be better.
I watch the sun go down, over the horizon and I dream, dream of a better day. Why can’t I be, like everyone else and watch my life fall into a set pattern of ways. You feel that pain inside like something isn’t right, your conscience telling you, to change your life. With everyday fading fast take your next breath like your last, realization will come, to the minds eye, you’ll see we’re not so different you and I. Are we even capable of this? Can we ever understand? Politicians sell the world on war then preach, the brother hood of man. Foreign policy is philosophy of conquer and destroy, watch the privileged as they rise, equality as their ploy. We will never see prosperity in this society.