Story Behind the Song
This is about a dream I had several years ago. At that time, I had just heard someone on the radio talk about finding meaning in dreams. One of the things this person suggested was to think about yourself being other people in the dream or some prominent object in the dream. When I woke up, this dream struck me as one of those goofy, nonsense dreams we sometimes have. But I was having trouble just dismissing it. Remembering the suggestion, I tried thinking of myself as the car in the dream. All the symbolism immediately unfolded.
by Linda McKeeth © 4/3/02
Such a little, silly dream,
Why did I bother with what it means?
I dreamed I wrecked the family car,
Was worried about telling my father.
My confession finally came out,
But he did not even shout.
He said, "Let's go and have a look."
Once around it was all it took.
"Why, we can fix this easily,
If you will just believe in me."
He said, "Tear up those newspapers
And mix them with some water."
Of course, I did just like he asked.
I followed his words to the last.
Together we applied this goo.
Miraculously, the car was new.
I stood there in amazement.
Felt gratitude for how it went.
I woke up feeling strangely.
So many emotions flooding me.
The day before on some talk show,
I'd heard a lady on the radio.
"Looking at what a dream may mean,
See yourself as things in the dream."
Okay, I thought, I'll go that far.
What would it mean if I'm the car?
The tears welled up within my eyes.
I was beginning to realize.
Who owns me if I am the car?
A loving Heavenly Father.
I think my life beyond repair,
Nothing impossible with His care.
If I wreck my life I must confess
To the One who knows what is best.
Though your sins be as scarlet, they'll be white as snow,
Is a scripture that I know.
He can fix me easily.
I will be new miraculously.
I must believe what His words say,
And follow Him in every way.
The purpose behind commandments
To me may not make perfect sense,
But if I commit to follow,
Gratitude I'm sure I'll know.
It wasn't such a silly dream.
I'm glad I looked at what it means.
What it means.