Story Behind the Song
my "friends" sucked, so I wrote this song.
well all my friends tell me that I have to be right,
i got all sorts of problems and I always pick fights.
every conversation ends with me being correct,
but i never realised i had such n' affect.
we'll i'd Be Mad too, if i were wrong like you.
yet thats a bad excuse to say that we are through.
i tried my best to be a friggin good friend,
and i was under the impression that friends never end.
now you could say that i, am the troubled one,
but who are you to speak when you come undone.
[sing chorus]
emotionless, you say, "that i'm not fun",
that's when you loose the battle and I have won.
so let me give you some, words of advice,
before you battle me you better think twice.
proving someone wrong by making them right,
isn't the best way to win a fight.
so you betta check yourself, before you wreck, yourself.
lest i put you in your place, back on your shelf.
so get the sucker punches in from behind,
but if you take those shots you better bear in mind...
[sing chorus]
[chorus] -
well i, roll with the punches, and you'll never take me down.
every battle i win gets me closer to a crown.
don't try to suck up and make your nose brown.
if you let me win you'll make me world renown.