Story Behind the Song
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i am nothing
i am nothing but a genius
standing in the shadows of underestimatiom
nothing but a would-be for you
i am divine
i am divine, thats what i am - i am divine
i stand ahead of you and your little minds
wouldnt piss on you if you were burning
call me sick,go on and call me arrogant
its not my fault that you dont get it
nennt mich spinner, nennt mich dilettant
nicht meine schuld, daß ihr so seid
laugh at me, laugh at my genius
lacht mich aus, lacht über mich
ridicule me, abuse me, put me off
and see the day i give the lie to you
i am different
im so different from the ones
who stick to their trivial lives
and dont leave the way that follows
their ingenious masterplan, established long ago
call me sick...
will i ever be any different
from the ones that i despise
will i ever be any different
from the ones who bought the last one
and told me that they are oh so surprised
but still think thats its oh so weird
fuck you
cause i dont give a shit
and fuck me
for being afraid of you and your world
i am a failure
i failed entirely, i mocked it up
cause i could be like you
well, in fact i am already this pathetic little piece of shit,
ein feigling vor dem hERRN
i am nothing