Story Behind the Song
A friend of mine called and asked me to write a song for an Easter play he
was producing. He needed one more song about the mother of Jesus and
how she must have felt. Of course, this was by far the hardest song to write
and try to relate to at the same time. This song has brought more meaning
to my writing ability than all other songs that I've written combined. It is still
being used every year at their play since I wrote it.
Words & Music by: Mark Leland
Verse 1
See these stripes upon My back, mama,
They were put there for you,
See these nails they drove in Me, mama,
When I laid down My life for you,
See these thorns upon My brow, mama,
It's a crown of life for you,
And when they pierced My side, I cried mama,
My blood is shed for you.
And not for you only, but also my children,
Who call upon My Name,
Though I must now leave you,
Soon I will receive you,
And remember, My love for you remains,
Verse 2
It's for this cause I came to die, mama,
For this cause I came for you,
And though My flesh cried out in pain, mama,
I cried out in pain for you,
And for the friends who walked beside me, mama,
I'll still walk beside them too,
And when I leave this world, don't cry, mama,
I'll come back again for you,
Repeat Chorus
I love you mama,