Story Behind the Song
This song was written when I was about 21 and was just coming out. I was living in central Wisconsin at the time so there are some references to the Wisconsin River. Basically the song is about coming out in a way that was my own-finding my own River, so to speak. No one stood in my path, trying to convince me one way or the other. Like lots of other songs that I've written, it took only a few hours to write. When it came time to record it, I went to Materville Studios and immediately felt comfortable with Martie, Katie and Lisa and so it was recorded alot quicker than I imagined it would. It was a great experience!
You coulda been a stone, you coulda been a rock in my river.
Ooh but you stood off there to the side.
You stepped to the shore and you let me take my time
To find the river that is mine.
Ooh What am I doin' now?
I'm fillin up, my shores are overflowing like a mighty river after a rain.
You were the rain that filled up my canyon
and I've been carved out by the wind.
I felt changes from the north, been hollowed out by the south, but you filled me right to the rim.
I'm not sayin' that once I was empty, no,
all my life I've been strong.
When I was alone I could make it out on my own, but then I heard you singin that song:
In harmony-you were singin it right to me it set me free
To hear a woman singin to me
In harmony you were singin it right to me and I could see
It never was this good for me until I found
That I heard the very sound
Of my heart comin' from the heart of another woman, another woman and you're a woman-
Your heart is just like mine,
Step in time, step in time to the rhyme of a woman.
You coulda been a stone, you coulda been a rock in my river.
Oh but you stood off there to the side.
You stepped to the shore and you let me take my time
to find the river that is mine.
I found my river, I found my river, I found it.
I found it in the heart, I found it in the heart of a woman
The song that I knew but I never had sung.
When it came to me on a sweet autumn breeze,
I knew it was right, from the moment it had begun.
And I knew it all along.
Cuz it always was my song,
It came from the heart, it came from the heart of a woman.
And you're a woman.
Your heart is just like mine,
step in time-
step in time.