Story Behind the Song
This year's tune wrestle's with competing perceptions of our world in the holiday season. On the one hand, there is the materialistic and rather depressing aspect of this "retail season," and the inevitable consequences of our priorities (both within ourselves, and in our world). On the other hand, the holiday season reveals a genuine and surprising generosity and despite our awkwardness, we manage to frequently exhibit the virtues that we extol.
Lonely childhood, bedroom community
Isolation, bred for immunity
to the cares and woes of a planet full of hapless souls
who hunger for the privledge we disdain.
Masquerading purchase for piety
Wealth parading, reckless sobriety
of obligated living, and calculated giving
invested for return in fellow man.
Nutmeg and cinnamon, the will to begin again
the best of intentions, at least of ourselves
Duty and tolerance, tradition and circumstance
Binding us together and holding us apart
Lonely childhood, bedroom community / Eggshell frailty, single serving lives
Isolation, bred for immunity / Comfort conditioning teflon coated lies
to the cares and woes of hapless souls
who hunger for the priviledge we disdain.
Buy two get hope free.
Selfless kindness, spontaneous joy,
handholding strangers, an ancient baby boy
Faith in humanity,
to end the insanity
our bomb-dropping vanity,
the souls we destroy
In the moment we glow with the best of ourselves,
with a hunder to know of the rest of ourselves
Compassion, and reason, the fruits of the season
for peace on earth, good will to all.