Story Behind the Song
Inpired by a passage from S.E. Hinton's novel That Was Then, This is Now, in which a boy has a bad acid trip and thinks that spiders are jumping down this throat
And i dont, know where im going,
So lost in my own little world,
how can you, save you'll save me,
When i dont want to be saved?
Where were you when,
my mouth, was slowly opened,
And, all the spiders,
decided to, jump in?
The liquid, i was submerged in,
eventually, let to my drowning,
for, one cannot, try to breathe,
when they have spiders in the way
As i sank, to the bottom,
I began to wonder if,
i made all the right decisions,
because now everything's turning black
Now, i regret my decision.
i wish you had saved me,
for i needed the saving,
if not only from myself
*Chorus 2x*